The health needs of women and men increase with time. The biological makeup of humans impacts in distinctive ways. Women's health is associated with numerous health issues and affects the quality of living. The most common health issues affecting women include menstruation and reproductive and breast health issues. However, the risk of diseases can be reduced by making a few changes in diet and lifestyle. In addition, vaccination and regular screening can help you keep a record of your health. Specific medical treatments like medications and surgical interventions facilitate your health problems. Therefore, every woman must stay informed about her health and keep visiting doctors for routine examinations to maintain her health and well-being.

In this article, you will explore the health issues in women, their prevention, and treatment.  

Menstruation issues 

Menstruation is a standard process in women. Unfortunately, we often avoid talking openly about it, which is why most women do not know what is abnormal and normal when they get periods. Below are some common menstruation issues that a woman should know.

Must read: A guide to menstruation for young girls


Heavy bleeding

Menstruation is a standard process in women. Unfortunately, we often avoid talking openly about it, which is why most women do not know what is abnormal and normal when they get periods. 

When a woman is on her menstrual cycle, it is customary to bleed for a few days. However, if menstrual flow lasts more than seven days, interfering with everyday activities, it is considered heavy. Several factors, such as can cause it,

  • Hormonal imbalance 

  • Abnormality in the structure of the uterus

  • Other medical conditions; include blood clotting disorders, leukemia, miscarriage or infections,  thyroid issues, and kidney issues.

Preventions for heavy bleeding: 

  • Eat a healthy and nutritious diet. 

  • Including iron-rich food in your diet, such as green vegetables and meats

  • Taking iron supplements can ensure enough red blood cells in your body, as heavy bleeding increases the risk of anemia.

  • Vitamin C can help you prevent iron deficiency. 

  • Herbal remedies can aid in lessening your menstrual flow. However, consult a doctor to cure your issues related to menstruation. 

Treatment of heavy bleeding:

The way of treatment depends on the cause of your heavy bleeding, and we recommend you visit a doctor so that you diagnose the problem correctly. 


Amenorrhea (no menstruation)

The absence of a menstrual period is known as amenorrhea. There are two types of amenorrhea; primary amenorrhea is when a girl never gets her period until 16. In contrast, secondary amenorrhea is when a woman stops menstruating for over three months. Moreover, the level of estrogen in women's bodies changes, leading to health issues. Here are some of the common symptoms of amenorrhea:

  • A milky discharge from nipples 

  • Severe headache

  • Hair loss and excessive facial hair growth 

  • You may feel the change in vision 

Preventions for amenorrhea:

It is challenging to prevent amenorrhea; however, little changes in your lifestyle can impact you positively. 

  • Avoid stressing 

  • Eat healthy food 

  • Do not run after dieting 

  • Ensure quality sleep 

  • Include exercise in your routine 

  • Keep an eye on your menstrual cycle record, and when you find anything unusual, go to your gynecologist. 

Treatment of amenorrhea: 

 The absence of menstruation can increase the risk of infertility when not treated timely. Moreover, it also causes the development of osteoporosis. Certain medicines and a few healthy changes to your daily routine can help you control it. But you should consult a doctor.


Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)

Cramps are the painful part of menstruation, but it is known as dysmenorrhea when a woman suffers continuous severe cramps throughout the menstrual cycle. The contraction in the uterus causes pain during that period. In addition, many reasons can cause painful menstruation, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids, pregnancy issues, and infections or polyps in the pelvic cavity. You may feel abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, fainting, severe headaches, and radiating pain in your legs. 

Preventions for dysmenorrhea:

  • Regular exercise  

  • Use hot pack 

  • Dietary supplements 

  • Do not take the stress

Treatment of dysmenorrhea:

Below are a few ways to ease your painful cramps:

  • Pain relievers can help you lower the cramps 

  • Oral birth control pills may reduce the severity

  • When a woman reaches a certain age, surgery may be recommended. The surgical removal of the uterus can keep you in peace. 

Above all, we strongly recommend you visit a doctor. 


Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Specific psychological, physical, and emotional symptoms a woman experiences are associated with her menstrual cycle. This happens before menstruation begins, and it gets normal once she starts. Approximately half of the women experience PMS with common symptoms such as depression, bloating, fatigue, headaches, tender breasts, and mood swings.

Preventions of premenstrual syndrome (PMS):

 Lifestyle modifications can effectively help you prevent PMS, which includes 

  • Regular exercise 

  • Eating a well-balanced and healthy diet 

  • Quality sleep 

  • Avoid smoking and drug intake 

Treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS):

PMS is treated based on your symptoms and other factors to find the best treatment. 

  • Water pills which decrease the buildup of fluid 

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines to lessen the pain 

  • Birth control pills and drugs give a temporary blockage to estrogen and progesterone. 

  • Antidepressants to overcome depression  

Reproductive health issues

Being in a state of physical, mental, and social well-being is essential. Reproductive health is a significant concern due to the complexity of the system and its numerous health-related issues. Taking care of yourself and making healthy choices help you stay healthy and prevent disease. We have listed a few common problems related to a woman's reproductive system. 



A woman's uterus can grow a baby. Endometriosis is when a tissue abnormally grows behind the uterus, on the ovaries, bowels, or bladder, instead of lining with the uterus. The tissue can cause severe pain, heavy bleeding, and infertility. Moreover, one feels pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic area.   

Preventions of endometriosis:

You can't prevent endometriosis, but you can decrease the risk of developing it by controlling the estrogen level in your body. Following are a few of the simple ways to keep estrogen levels low. 

  • Regular workouts for at least an hour a day can keep you low in body fat.

  • Birth control pills can lessen the amount of estrogen.

  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine. 

Treatment of endometriosis:

Treatment usually involves surgery or medication, depending on your health condition (symptoms) and what the doctor suggests. 

  • Pain relievers to ease your pain 

  • Supplemental hormones effectively reduce or eliminate the severity of endometriosis. 


Uterine fibroids

Fibroids are muscles and tissues that grow abnormally in the uterus. They are noncancerous but can cause many health issues, such as physical pain, heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle, anemia, constipation, frequent urination, complications in pregnancy, extreme discomfort during sex, and reproductive problems such as infertility or miscarriages. 

Preventions against Uterine fibroids:

You can reduce symptoms of uterine fibroids by making a few changes in your diet and lifestyle. 

  • Switch to the Mediterranean diet 

  • Avoid alcohol 

  • Keep balance in estrogen level 

  • Consume vitamin D

Treatment for uterine fibroids:

Treatment is associated with the symptoms. Until fibroids cause you discomfort and bladder problems or heavy menstrual bleeding, treatment is not that necessary. However, you should consult a doctor to ease your fibroids. The following can be the best treatments:

  • Medication to temporarily control symptoms

  • Contraceptive pills 

  • Myomectomy is the surgical removal of fibroids while preserving the uterus

  • Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure of removing the uterus 


Gynecological cancer

Gynecologic cancer develops in any of the reproductive organs of women below. It is usually named for the part it starts growing, such as 

  • Ovarian cancer grows in ovaries 

  • Cervical cancer develops in the cervix

  • Uterine cancer develops in the uterus 

  • Vaginal cancer develops in the vagina 

  • Vulvar cancer grows in vulva 

Prevention of gynecological cancer:

Each type of cancer has distinctive factors, and risks increase with age. However, risk can be reduced by a few measures:

  • Vaccine against HPV 

  • Regular screening tests 

  • Genetic testing

  • Maintain a nutritious diet and a healthy lifestyle 

Treatment for gynecological cancer:

There are three types of treatments for gynecological cancer. 

  • Chemotherapy 

  • Radiations to kill the cancer 

  • Surgery to remove cancerous tissues 


Sexually transmitted diseases 

Sexually transmitted diseases get transferred from having sex with someone who already has this health issue. Bacteria, viruses, and parasites cause infections of more than 20 types. Men and women both suffer from STDs. However, women are likely to be more susceptible. When a woman with STI is pregnant, there is a higher chance of STI in the baby, but if you treat the issue on time, you can reduce or prevent your baby from STDs. 

Preventions for sexually transmitted diseases:

  • Be well informed about STDs 
  • Protect yourself from your partner or protect your partner from getting infected. 
  • Use a good quality condom when you have sex 

Treatment for the sexually transmitted disease:

Any kind of sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria is easier to treat its effects. In contradiction, an infection caused by viruses can be controlled but is hard to cure. 

  • Antibiotics can help you cure STDs
  • Antiviral drugs reduce the effects of STDs 

Breast issues 

Regardless of age, breast issues constitute a significant concern for women's health. Most women change, such as swelling, tenderness, or breast size during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause. However, certain conditions need medical attention to treat the issue. Visiting a doctor when you experience minor breast changes can protect you from a chronic disease such as breast cancer. Consequently, a woman must have information on the problems that may affect a woman.


Breast lump 

A breast lump is a hard or soft bump due to swelling in the breast tissues that may be cancerous or noncancerous, and the changes in the breast tissues, cysts, fibroadenomas, or any breast infection cause breast lumps. In certain conditions, breast lumps can lead to breast cancer; therefore, It is essential to examine yourself and do a clinical examination when needed; the healthcare provider will further test you. Breast ultrasound, mammography, needle suction, and biopsy are recommended for medical treatment. However, lifestyle changes and diet modifications can protect you from severity.

Preventions of breast lump: 

  • Bringing healthy changes to the lifestyle can lower the risk of developing cancer. 
  • Avoid alcohol 
  • Limit postmenopausal hormone therapy 
  • Maintaining a healthy weight and incorporating daily workouts 
  • Breastfeeding is a protective way 

Treatment for breast lump:

Treatment depends on the factors which grew breast lumps, and below are the remedies to reduce the risk of symptoms:

  • Antibiotics to lessen the infection in the breast 
  • Fluid drainage in case of breast cyst 
  • Excisional biopsy for the removal of mass present in the breast 
  • When there is cancer, therapies such as lumpectomy, chemotherapy, mastectomy, and radiation therapy are given to the patient. 


Breast issues increase over time, and it is a big concern for all women to maintain healthy breasts. Therefore, early detection of any condition may protect you from cancer and other incurable diseases. Assess yourself and identify when you need a medical examination, as it is crucial to consult a physician for proper treatment.